List of registered talks

HMEC 18 Dubna, BLTP Theory of Hadron Matter under Extreme Conditions 2019-2023

Aoki Yasumichi Tsukuba, KEK Theory Center, Japan Topology and axial U(1) symmetry in 2-flavor hot QCD
Astrakhantsev Nikita Moscow, ITEP, RF Temperature dependence of bulk and shear viscosities from lattice SU(3) gluodynamics
Boguslavski Kirill Jyvaeskylae University, Finland Real-time simulations: studying systems far from equilibrium
Bornyakov Vitaly Protvino, IHEP and Vladivostok, FEFU, RF Lattice QCD at imaginary chemical potential
Braguta Victor Moscow, ITEP and Dubna, BLTP of JINR, RF Lattice study of QCD at nonzero chiral density
Brandt Bastian Frankfurt University, Germany QCD at nonzero isospin asymmetry
Bugaev Kyrill Kiev, Bogolubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, NAS, Ukraine Fluctuation pattern of Polyakov loop clusters in SU(2) gluodynamics
Faber Manfried Vienna, Atominstitut, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria The center vortex model of the QCD vacuum : successes and problems
Fischer Christian Gießen, University, Germany The QCD phase diagram from Dyson-Schwinger equations
Hasegawa Masayasu Dubna, BLTP of JINR, RF Catalytic effects of monopoles in QCD
Iida Hideaki Vladivostok, FEFU, RF The quark distribution function from lattice QCD
Kotov Andrey Moscow, ITEP and Dubna, BLTP of JINR, RF Lattice study of the sphaleron rate in gluodynamics
Kerbikov Boris Moscow, ITEP, RF Sound in quark matter
Kolomoyets Natalia Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraina Dependence of chromomagnetic field screening on its color components
Martemyanov Boris Moscow, ITEP, RF Dyons near the transition temperature in SU(3) gluodynamics
Nakamura Atsushi Hiroshima University, Japan and Vladivostok, FEFU, RF Seminar of the Department "Particles and Fields" of BLTP: Exploring QCD phase structure: Lattice QCD approach and its application to Experiments
Nikolaev Aleksandr Vladivostok, FEFU, RF Lattice study of dense two-color quark matter at low temperature
Radovskaya Anna Moscow, Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, RF Quantum corrections to the classical statistical approximation within the Schwinger-Keldysh technique
Roman Rogalyov Protvino, IHEP, RF Correlations and critical behaviour in SU(2) gluodynamics
Rucci Andrea Pisa University, Italy Screening masses and quark free energies at small baryonic density X (in 2+1 flavour QCD)
Pawlowski Jan Heidelberg, University, Germany QCD-Dynamics at finite density and signatures of the critical endpoint
Prokhorov Georgy Dubna JINR Chiral Vortical Effect and Wigner Function
Zokhov Roman Provino, IHEP, IZMIRAN Dualities in dense baryonic (quark) matter with chiral and isospin imbalance